
This conference will be held at Université Paris Nord, Villetaneuse (France) about various theoretical aspects of current research in immunology, with topics ranging from stochastic modeling of immune cells behavior to mathematical approches of evolution.

Dates: 10th and 11th March 2014

Location : Amphithéâtre Euler, Institut Galilée.

Université Paris Nord, Villetaneuse, France
99 avenue J-B. Clément, 93430.



Monday, 10th March


9 :30 : Welcome coffee


10 : 00 – 11 : 00 
Jose Faro - University of Vigo (Spain)

t-Independent and t-Dependent Lymphocyte Population Studies


11 : 00 – 12 :00
Michal Or-Guil - Humbolt Univ. Berlin (Germany)

Exploring serum antibody binding: Mathematical modeling and analysis of antibody reactivity data



12 :00 – 14 :00 : Lunch break



14 :00 - 15 :00
Nadine Varin – INSERM U978 Univ. Paris 13 (France)

Pathophysiology of adaptative immune signalling : Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in lymph nodes


15 :00 – 16 :00
Romulus Breban – Institut Pasteur (France)

Mathematical modeling of bladder carcinoma immunotherapy


Tuesday, 11th March


9 :30 : Welcome coffee


10 : 00 – 11 : 00 
Bernard Derrida – Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (France)

Simple models of evolution: effect of  selection on genealogies


11 : 00 – 12 :00

Irene BalleliLaboratoire Analyse Géométrie et Applications, Univ. Paris 13 (France)

A mathematical model for somatic hypermutations




12 :00 – 14 :00 : Lunch break



14 :00 - 15 :00
Jean-Pierre Hugot – INSERM U843 Bichat (France)

Aging dynamics of biological networks explains age-specific incidence curves in Crohn disease (I)


15 :00 – 16 :00
Jean-Marc Victor – CNRS (France)

Aging dynamics of biological networks explains age-specific incidence curves in Crohn disease (II)






How to come ?

From "Gare du Nord" : take any train from platform 30 to 36, checking it actually stops at Epinay-Villetaneuse. The trip takes approximately 12 min, and train frequency is about 5-15 min. Then, take the bus number 156 or 356 or 354 to Université Paris 13. The trip takes 5 min, and bus frequency is about 2-20 min.

Further information : http://www.univ-paris13.fr/acces-aux-campus.html

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